

The guy who invented the concept of "payday advance" was either a genius, or a product of the saying: "Necessity breeds invention".

Whoever he was, it's a pretty great idea. Theoretically, if you find yourself strapped for cash between paydays, all you have to do is go online and find the nearest payday advance company in your area, for example, if you're living in Ontario, then you'd be well-assured that there are many companies offering payday a in Ontario, whether it's on-site on the loaning premises, or even online. Once you've given them your information, you're pretty much in the money, if you excuse the pun.

Now, doesn't that sound so great? One minute, you're up to your elbows in debt, or you're tearing your hair out worrying about where you're going to get some extra cash, then less than a couple of hours later, you're walking out of your bank or loaning company premises, with a big grin on your face and a wad of cash in your hands.

Hold your horses though! Like everything else, payday advances, especially online ones, do have their pros and cons. For the sake of argument, both sides will be presented here: