

Credit card companies use certain times of the year to solicit new customers. Many credit card offers are very tempting, especially during the start of the New Year. A 0% interest offer is more enticing to use rather than a payday advance online loan, but will it work to your advantage? Right from the get-go, a zero percent anything is heavenly to any budget. It means that your purchases carry with it no extra costs. The tricky part is to not get too caught up in the excitement of it all. Hold off in any financial celebration until you are actually approved for the 0% introductory rate.

When a new credit card offer comes in the mail, it doesn't mean that you have been approved for it. The creditor still needs your application in order to check your credit score. A pre-approved offer does not equate to final approval, nor does it guarantee that the introductory offer will apply to your financial situation. You may end up with a low interest rate instead or denied the new card altogether. If you are approved and you do plan on taking advantage of the introductory offer, it is important to fully understand the terms and conditions of the loan.